April 12 2023  |  Retailers

Kreol Travel Retail to develop Kägi TR presence

By GTR Magazine Staff

Left to right: Christphe T. Spring, Kägi Söhne AG, Lal Arakulath, Kreol Arakulath and Neeraj Sharma of Kreol Travel Retail

Kreol Group CEO Lal Arakulath tells Global Travel Retail Magazine today Kreol Travel Retail has partnered with Swiss chocolatier Kägi to develop the brand's presence in India, Sri Lanka and the Arabian Gulf countries.

In business since 1934, Kägi is known for its high-quality ingredients and special production processes. The cocoa is produced in-house, finely ground and then conched for a minimum of 48 hours to achieve the smooth and aromatic chocolate the brand is known for.

Its new wafer product, Praliné des Alpes, is a light and airy treat. Melting crème fills the wafers which are covered in the chocolate.

"We look forward to working with Kreol Travel Retail to bring our reputed Swiss quality confectionery to new regions," said Christophe T. Spring, International Business Development Manager, Kägi Söhne AG.

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