ETRC unanimously re-elects Nigel Keal as President

Nigel Keal continues at the helm of the European Travel Retail Confederation for another year
European Travel Retail Confederation (ETRC) members unanimously re-elected Nigel Keal as President at the Annual General Meeting in London today (June 27).
AGM participants received a full briefing on campaigns and issues affecting the sector, including policy updates and the impact of elections in the European Union, the UK and France.
Strengthening its network and relevance, ETRC welcomed two regional associations over the past year: BTRA (Benelux Travel Retail Association) and FETRE (Federación Española del Travel Retail), representing Benelux and Spain respectively on the Supervisory Board of ETRC.
Keal stressed the importance for companies operating in duty free and travel retail to support national and regional associations in addition to ETRC, as the association is set to celebrate its 20th anniversary at the TFWA World Exhibition and Conference later this year.

Members of the ETRC Managing Board (from left to right): Nina Semprecht (ETRC Vice-President PR & Communications; Director of Corporate Comms & External Affairs at Gebr. Heinemann); Donatienne de Fontaines-Guillaume (ETRC Vice-President Brands; Vice President at TFWA); Nigel Keal (ETRC President; Chair UKTRF); Tom Byrne (ETRC Vice-President Aviation Affairs; Director of Retail at ARI); Pedro Castro (ETRC Vice-President External Affairs; Public Affairs Director at Avolta) and Piret Mürk-Dubout (ETRC Vice-President Maritime Affairs, Alternate representative NTRG)
Commenting on his re-election, Keal said, “I am really excited to steer ETRC for the year ahead which coincides not only with our 20th anniversary but also the start of a new political cycle in Europe. I hope it will enable us to move some key topics on our agenda, including Arrivals Duty Free in the EU and UK. I thank the members of ETRC for their trust as well as my colleagues on the Managing and Supervisory Boards for their time and dedication to ETRC in addition to busy daily jobs.”
In addition to President Nigel Keal, the Managing Board is currently composed of Tom Byrne, Vice-President Aviation Affairs; Pedro Castro, Vice-President External Affairs; Donatienne de Fontaines-Guillaume, Vice-President Brands; Piret Mürk-Dubout, Vice-President Maritime Affairs and Nina Semprecht, Vice-President Communications and Public Affairs.